



  1. (Keynote Sep. 2021) 50º aniversário do Dia Mundial das Telecomunicações: Motion intelligence toward efficient mobile Internet edges
  2. (Keynote Jul. 2021) 13º Simpósio Brasileiro de Computação Ubíqua e Pervasiva - SBCUP 2021:  Motion Intelligence toward efficient Internet Edges
  3. (Mai 2021) COVID day by Fédération MathSTIC: SafeCityMap project: What habits in people's mobility can reveal from a metropolitan area, before and during lockdown restrictions?
  4. (Keynote Jan. 2021) "Last-mile" Challenges and Standardization Opportunities in Smart Infrastructure workshop (jointly COMNETS 2021): Motion Intelligence toward efficient Internet Edges
  5. (Panel Dec. 2020) 2nd edition of MUSAS event (jointly with SBRC 2020): Panel title: A Pandemia Afastou as Mulheres da Ciência?
  6. (Invited talk Jun. 2019) Network Traffic Measurement and Analysis (TMA 2019), at TMA Expert Summit: When completion challenges current human mobility understanding 
  7. (Invited talk May 2019) III Seminário Internacional Mobilidades Contemporâneas: When completion challenges current human mobility understanding
  8. (Keynote Sep. 2019) AGRANDA Symposium 2019 in 48o Jornadas Argentinas de Informática (JAIIO): Mobile phone sensing of human dynamics in techno-social environment.
  9. (Keynote Mar. 2018) Winter School of GDR RSD (Réseaux & Systèmes Distribués) and the French Chapter of ACM SIGOPS: HUMAN: The new "Terra Incognita" of networking
  10. (Keynote May 2018) CoURB 2018 workshop (jointly with SBRC 2018): HUMAN: The new "Terra Incognita" of networking