Names of institutes and universities, titles of conferences and papers feature links to associated Web sites.
September 2003 - September 2004
Software Engineer, Nuxeo
Development of Web-based enterprise content management applications (Python, Zope, CPS)
Paris, France
December 2002 - August 2003
Visual transformation of Semantic Web data represented as node-link diagrams
Boston, MA, USA
March 1999 - September 2002
Development of a zoombale user interface toolkit and a visual language environment for XML document transformations
CIFRE Ph.D. contract funded by
Grenoble, France
Click on one of the icons to get the document (multiple icons indicate multiple sources)
(ACM Digital Library)
(IEEE Xplore)
(IEEE Computer Society Digital Library)
(Springer Link)
(HAL-INRIA Open Archive)
Refereed Papers in International Journals and Magazines
- V. Cavez, C. Appert, E. Pietriga, Spreadsheets on Interactive Surfaces: Breaking through the Grid with the Pen, ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction (ToCHI), Volume 31, Issue 2, pages 16:1—16:33, April 2024
- V. Peña-Araya, T. Xue, E. Pietriga, L. Amsaleg, A. Bezerianos, HyperStorylines: Interactively Untangling Dynamic Hypergraphs,
Information Visualization Journal, Volume 21, Number 1, pages 38-62, Sage, 2021.
- H. Romat, C. Appert, E. Pietriga, Expressive Authoring of Node-Link Diagrams with Graphies,
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (TVCG), Volume 27, Number 4, pages 2329-2340, April 2021
- M. Destandau, C. Appert, E. Pietriga, S-Paths: Set-Based Visual Exploration of Linked Data Driven by Semantic Paths, Semantic Web Journal (SWJ), Volume 12, Number 1, pages 99-116, 2021.
- V. Peña-Araya, E. Pietriga, A. Bezerianos, A Comparison of Visualizations for Identifying Correlation over Space and Time,
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (TVCG/InfoVis '19), Volume 26, Number 1, pages 375-385, January 2020
- M.-J. Lobo, C. Appert, E. Pietriga, Animation Plans for Before-and-After Satellite Images,
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (TVCG), Volume 25, Number 2, pages 1347-1360, February 2019
- M.-J. Lobo, C. Appert, E. Pietriga, MapMosaic: Dynamic Layer Compositing for Interactive Geovisualization,
International Journal of Geographical Information Science (IJGIS), Volume 31, Number 9, pages 1818-1845, May 2017.
- A.-S. Dadzie, E. Pietriga, Visualisation of Linked Data – Reprise,
Semantic Web Journal (SWJ), Introduction to the special issue on Linked Data Visualization, Volume 8, Number 1, pages 1-21, 2017.
- C. Appert, O. Chapuis, E. Pietriga, M.-J. Lobo, Reciprocal Drag-and-Drop,
ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction (ToCHI), Volume 22, Issue 6, pages 29:1-29:36, September 2015
- M. Nancel, E. Pietriga, O. Chapuis, M. Beaudouin-Lafon, Mid-air Pointing on Ultra-Walls,
ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction (ToCHI), Volume 22, Issue 5, pages 21:1--21:62, August 2015
- B. Bach, E. Pietriga, J.-D. Fekete, GraphDiaries: Animated Transitions and Temporal Navigation for Dynamic Networks,
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (TVCG), Volume 20, Issue 5, pages 740-754, May 2014
- B. Bach, E. Pietriga, I. Liccardi, Visualizing Populated Ontologies with OntoTrix,
International Journal on Semantic Web and Information Systems, Volume 9, Issue 4, pages 17-40, IGI, 2013
- M. Beaudouin-Lafon, O. Chapuis, J. Eagan, T. Gjerlufsen, S. Huot, C. Klokmose, W. Mackay, M. Nancel, E. Pietriga, C. Pillias, R. Primet, J. Wagner, Multi-surface Interaction in the WILD Room,
IEEE Computer, Volume 45, Issue 4, pages 24-32, April 2012
- J. Zhao, F. Chevalier, E. Pietriga, R. Balakrishnan, Exploratory Analysis of Time-series with ChronoLenses,
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (TVCG/InfoVis '11), Volume 17, Issue 12, pages 2422-2431, December 2011
- E. Pietriga, O. Bau, C. Appert, Representation-Independent In-Place Magnification with Sigma Lenses,
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (TVCG), Volume 16, Issue 3, pages 455-467, May/June 2010
Refereed Papers in International Conference Proceedings
Note: in the field of Human Computer Interaction, conferences are considered the primary method of
publication. The ACM CHI and UIST conferences are particularly selective and are considered journal
level work by the ACM/SIGCHI.
C. Dupré, C. Appert, S. Rey, H. Saidi, E. Pietriga,
TriPad: Touch Input in AR on Ordinary Surfaces with Hand Tracking Only, CHI '24: Proceedings of the 42nd SIGCHI conference on Human Factors in computing systems, May 2024, Hawaii, USA
V. Cavez, C. Letondal, E. Pietriga, C. Appert,
Challenges of Music Score Writing and the Potentials of Interactive Surfaces, CHI '24:
Proceedings of the 42nd SIGCHI conference on Human Factors in computing systems, May 2024, Hawaii, USA
- Igor Oya et al., The first release of the Cherenkov Telescope Array Observatory Array Control and Data Acquisition software, Astronomical Telescopes and Instrumentation, SPIE, June 2024, Yokohama, Japan
F. R. Di Gioia, E. Brasier, E. Pietriga, C. Appert, Investigating the Use of AR Glasses for Content Annotation on Mobile Devices, ISS '22: Proceedings of the ACM Interactive Surfaces and Spaces Conference, pages 574:1-574:18, November 2022, Wellington, New Zealand
Best paper award nominee (honorable mention)
E. Brasier, E. Pietriga, C. Appert, AR-enhanced Widgets for Smartphone-centric Interaction, MobileHCI '21: Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Human Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services, pages 32:1-32:12, September 2021, Toulouse, France
V. Peña-Araya, A. Bezerianos, E. Pietriga, A Comparison of Geographical Propagation Visualizations,
CHI '20: Proceedings of the 38th SIGCHI conference on Human Factors in computing systems, pages 223:1--223:14, April 2020, Honolulu, HI, USA
H. Romat, E. Pietriga, N. Henry-Riche, K. Hinckley, C. Appert, SpaceInk: Making Space for In-Context Annotations,
UIST '19: Proceedings of the 32nd Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology, pages 871-882, October 2019, New Orleans, LA, USA
H. Romat, N. Henry-Riche, K. Hinckley, B. Lee, C. Appert, E. Pietriga, C. Collins, ActiveInk: (Th)Inking with Data,
CHI '19: Proceedings of the 37th SIGCHI conference on Human Factors in computing systems, pages 42:1--42:13, May 2019, Glasgow, UK -
Best paper award nominee (honorable mention)
H. Romat, D. Lebout, E. Pietriga, C. Appert, Influence of Color and Size of Particles on their Perceived Speed in Node-Link Diagrams,
INTERACT '19, 17th IFIP TC.13 International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, pages 619-637, September 2019, Paphos, Cyprus -
Best paper award
E. Pietriga, H. Gözükan, C. Appert, M. Destandau, Š. Čebirić, F. Goasdoué, I. Manolescu, Browsing Linked Data Catalogs with LODAtlas,
ISWC '18: Proceedings of the 17th International Semantic Web Conference, pages 137-153, October 2018, Monterey, CA, USA
C. Appert, E. Pietriga, E. Bartenlian, R. Morales, Custom-made Tangible Interfaces with TouchTokens,
AVI '18: Proceedings of the International Working Conference on Advanced Visual Interfaces, pages 15:1--15:9, May 2018, Castiglione della Pescaia, Italy
H. Romat, C. Appert, B. Bach, N. Henry-Riche, E. Pietriga, Animated Edge Textures in Node-Link Diagrams: a Design Space and Initial Evaluation,
CHI '18: Proceedings of the 36th SIGCHI conference on Human Factors in computing systems, pages 187:1--187:13, April 2018, Montréal, Canada
V. Rusňák, C. Appert, O. Chapuis, E. Pietriga, Designing Coherent Gesture Sets for Multi-scale Navigation on Tabletops,
CHI '18: Proceedings of the 36th SIGCHI conference on Human Factors in computing systems, pages 142:1-142:12, April 2018, Montréal, Canada
V. Ivanova, B. Bach, E. Pietriga, P. Lambrix, Alignment Cubes: Towards Interactive Visual Exploration and Evaluation of Multiple Ontology Alignments,
ISWC '17: Proceedings of the 16th International Semantic Web Conference, pages 400-417, October 2017, Vienna, Austria
R. Morales, C. Appert, G. Bailly, E. Pietriga, Passive yet Expressive TouchTokens,
CHI '17: Proceedings of the 35th SIGCHI conference on Human Factors in computing systems, pages 3741-3745, May 2017, Denver, CO, USA
- E. Pietriga, F. del Campo, A. Ibsen, R. Primet, C. Appert, O. Chapuis, M. Hempel, R. Muñoz, S. Eyheramendy Duerr, A. Jordan, H. Dole, Exploratory Visualization of Astronomical Data on Ultra-high-resolution Wall Displays, invited paper, Astronomical Telescopes and Instrumentation, SPIE, pages 0W:1-0W:15, June 2016, Edinburgh, UK
- I. Sadeh, I. Oya, J. Schwarz, E. Pietriga, Prototyping the Graphical User Interface for the Operator of the Cherenkov Telescope Array, Astronomical Telescopes and Instrumentation, SPIE, pages 0X:1-0X:9, June 2016, Edinburgh, UK
R. Morales, C. Appert, G. Bailly, E. Pietriga, TouchTokens: Guiding Touch Patterns with Passive Tokens,
CHI '16: Proceedings of the 34th SIGCHI conference on Human Factors in computing systems, pages 4189-4202, May 2016, San Jose, CA, USA -
Best paper award nominee (honorable mention)
M.-J. Lobo, E. Pietriga, C. Appert, An Evaluation of Interactive Map Comparison Techniques,
CHI '15: Proceedings of the 33rd SIGCHI conference on Human Factors in computing systems, pages 3573-3582, April 2015, Seoul, South Korea -
Best paper award nominee (honorable mention)
- J. Alvina, C. Appert, O. Chapuis, E. Pietriga, RouteLens: Easy Route Following for Map Applications,
AVI '14: Proceedings of the 12th working conference on Advanced visual interfaces, pages 125-128, May 2014, Como, Italy
- B. Bach, E. Pietriga, J.-D. Fekete, Visualizing Dynamic Networks with Matrix Cubes,
CHI '14: Proceedings of the 32nd SIGCHI conference on Human Factors in computing systems, pages 877-886, April 2014, Toronto, Canada
- E. Pietriga, G. Filippi, L. Veliz, F. del Campo, J. Ibsen, A Web-based Dashboard for the High-level Monitoring of ALMA, invited paper,
Astronomical Telescopes and Instrumentation, SPIE, pages 1B:1-1B:12, June 2014, Montréal, Canada
- D. Spelmezan, C. Appert, O. Chapuis, E. Pietriga, Controlling Widgets with one Power-Up Button,
UIST '13: Proceedings of the 26th Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology, pages 71-74, October 2013, St Andrews, UK
C. Pindat, E. Pietriga, O. Chapuis, C. Puech, Drilling into Complex 3D Models with Gimlenses,
VRST '13: Proceedings of the 19th Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology, pages 223-230, October 2013, Singapore -
Best paper award
- D. Spelmezan, C. Appert, O. Chapuis, E. Pietriga, Side Pressure for Bidirectional Navigation on Small Devices,
MobileHCI '13: Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Human Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services, pages 11-20, August 2013, Munich, Germany
- M. Nancel, O. Chapuis, E. Pietriga, X.-D. Yang, P. Irani, M. Beaudouin-Lafon, High-Precision Pointing on Large Wall Displays using Small Handheld Devices,
CHI '13: Proceedings of the 31st SIGCHI conference on Human Factors in computing systems, pages 831-840, April 2013, Paris, France
- C. Pindat, E. Pietriga, O. Chapuis, C. Puech, JellyLens: Content-Aware Adaptive Lenses,
UIST '12: Proceedings of the 25th Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology, pages 261-270, October 2012, Cambridge, USA
- E. Pietriga, P. Cubaud, J. Schwarz, R. Primet, M. Schilling, D. Barkats, E. Barrios, B. Vila Vilaro, Interaction Design Challenges and Solutions for ALMA Operations Monitoring and Control,
invited paper,
Astronomical Telescopes and Instrumentation, SPIE, pages 10:1-10:16, July 2012, Amsterdam, the Netherlands
- R. A. de Almeida, C. Pillias, E. Pietriga, P. Cubaud, Looking behind Bezels: French Windows for Wall Displays,
AVI '12: Proceedings of the 11th working conference on Advanced visual interfaces, pages 124-131, ACM Press, May 2012, Capri, Italy
- C. Appert, O. Chapuis, E. Pietriga, Dwell-and-Spring: Undo for Direct Manipulation,
CHI '12: Proceedings of the 30th ACM SIGCHI conference on Human Factors in computing systems, 10 pages, ACM Press, May 2012, Austin, USA
- E. Pietriga, S. Huot, M. Nancel, R. Primet, Rapid Development of User Interfaces on Cluster-Driven Wall Displays with jBricks,
EICS '11: Proceedings of the 3rd ACM SIGCHI symposium on Engineering interactive computing systems, pages 185-190, June 2011, Pisa, Italy
M. Nancel, J. Wagner, E. Pietriga, O. Chapuis, W. Mackay, Mid-air Pan-and-Zoom on Wall-sized Displays,
CHI '11: Proceedings of the 29th ACM SIGCHI conference on Human Factors in computing systems, pages 177-186, ACM Press, May 2011, Vancouver, Canada -
Best paper award
- B. Bach, E. Pietriga, I. Liccardi, G. Legostaev, OntoTrix: A Hybrid Visualization for Populated Ontologies,
WWW '11: Proceedings of the 20th international conference companion on World wide web, pages 177-180, ACM Press, March 2011, Hyderabad, India
- C. Appert, O. Chapuis, E. Pietriga, High-precision Magnification Lenses,
CHI '10: Proceedings of the 28th ACM SIGCHI conference on Human Factors in computing systems, pages 273-282, ACM Press, April 2010, Atlanta, USA
O. Chapuis, J.-B. Labrune, E. Pietriga, DynaSpot: Speed-Dependent Area Cursor,
CHI '09: Proceedings of the 27th ACM SIGCHI conference on Human Factors in computing systems, pages 1391-1400, ACM Press, April 2009, Boston, USA -
Best paper award nominee (honorable mention)
- T. Moscovich, F. Chevalier, N. Henry, E. Pietriga, J.-D. Fekete, Topology-Aware Navigation in Large Networks,
CHI '09: Proceedings of the 27th ACM SIGCHI conference on Human Factors in computing systems, pages 2319-2328, ACM Press, April 2009, Boston, USA
- E. Pietriga, C. Appert, Sigma Lenses: Focus-Context Transitions Combining Space, Time and Translucence,
CHI '08: Proceedings of the 26th ACM SIGCHI conference on Human Factors in computing systems, pages 1343-1352, ACM Press, April 2008, Florence, Italy
- E. Pietriga, C. Appert, M. Beaudouin-Lafon, Pointing and Beyond: an Operationalization and Preliminary Evaluation of Multi-scale Searching,
CHI '07: Proceedings of the 25th ACM SIGCHI conference on Human Factors in computing systems, pages 1215-1224, ACM Press, April 2007, San Jose, CA, USA
- E. Pietriga, C. Bizer, D. Karger, R. Lee, Fresnel: A Browser-Independent Presentation Vocabulary for RDF,
ISWC '06: Proceedings of the 5th International Semantic Web Conference, pages 158-171, Springer, November 2006, Athens, GA, USA
- E. Pietriga, Semantic Web Data Visualization with Graph Style Sheets,
Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on Software Visualization (SoftVis'06), pages 177-178, ACM Press, September 2006, Brighton, UK
- S. Cohen-Boulakia, C. Froidevaux, E. Pietriga, Selecting Biological Data Sources and Tools with XPR, a Path Language for RDF,
Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing (PSB), Session Semantic Webs for Life Sciences, pages 116-127, January 2006, Maui, Hawaii, USA
- E. Pietriga, A Toolkit for Addressing HCI Issues in Visual Language Environments,
IEEE Symposium on Visual Languages and Human-Centric Computing (VL/HCC'05), pages 145-152, IEEE Computer Society, September 2005, Dallas, TX, USA
- J.-Y. Vion-Dury, V. Lux and E. Pietriga, Experimenting with the Circus language for XML modeling and transformation,
ACM Symposium on Document Engineering, pages 82-87, ACM Press, November 2002, Mc Lean (VA), USA
- E. Pietriga, V. Quint and J.-Y. Vion-Dury, VXT: A Visual Approach to XML Transformations,
ACM Symposium on Document Engineering, pages 1-10, ACM Press, November 2001, Atlanta, USA
- E. Pietriga and J.-Y. Vion-Dury, VXT: Visual XML Transformer,
IEEE Symposium on Human Centric Computing, pages 404-405, IEEE Computer Society, September 2001, Stresa, Italy
- J.-Y. Vion-Dury and E.Pietriga, A Formal Study of a Visual Language for Document Type Definitions,
IEEE Symposium on Visual Languages and Formal Methods (HCC), pages 52-59, IEEE Computer Society, September 2001, Stresa, Italy
Proceedings Editing
- E. Pietriga, K. Luyten, Y. Jansen,
Proceedings of the ACM SIGCHI Symposium on Engineering Interactive Computing Systems (EICS '18), June 2018
- Christopher Hundhausen, E. Pietriga, P. Díaz, M. B. Rosson,
Proceedings of the IEEE Symposium on Visual Languages and Human-Centric Computing (VL/HCC '10), 276 pages, September 2010
Refereed Papers in National Journals
Refereed Posters, Demos, Workshop Papers (archived in proceedings)
- Théo Bouganim, Ioana Manolescu, Emmanuel Pietriga, A Unified Visual Exploration Framework for
(Semi-)structured Data, BigVis 2024 - 7th International Workshop on Big Data Visual Exploration and
Analytics (VLDB 2024), 8 pages, August 2024, Guangzhou, China
- E. Pietriga, Engineering Interactive Visualizations for Cluster-Driven Ultra-high-resolution Wall Displays, Keynote speaker at EICS '22, the 14th ACM SIGCHI Symposium on Engineering Interactive Computing Systems, June 2022, Nice, France
- Irène Burger, Ioana Manolescu, Emmanuel Pietriga, Fabian Suchanek, Toward Visual Interactive Exploration of Heterogeneous Graphs, Workshop Proceedings of the EDBT/ICDT 2020 Joint Conference, 4 pages, March 2020, Copenhagen, Denmark
- A. Kamakshidasan, J. Galaz, R. Cienfuegos, A. Rousseau, E. Pietriga, Comparative Visualization of Deep Water Asteroid Impacts on Ultra-high-resolution Wall Displays with Seawall,
IEEE Vis Poster Program / SciVis Contest, pages 142-145, October 2018, Berlin, Germany
- V. Ivanova, B. Bach, E. Pietriga, P. Lambrix, Alignment Cubes: Interactive Visual Exploration and Evaluation of Multiple Ontology Alignments,
Proceedings of the ISWC 2017 Posters & Demonstrations Track: Collected Abstracts, 4 pages, October 2017, Vienna, Austria
- I. Sadeh, I. Oya, J. Schwarz, E. Pietriga, The Graphical User Interface of the Operator of the Cherenkov Telescope Array,
16th International Conference on Accelerator and Large Experimental Control Systems (ICALEPCS), October 2017, Barcelona, Spain
- T. Onorati, P. Isenberg, A. Bezerianos, E. Pietriga, P. Diaz, WallTweet: A Knowledge Ecosystem for Supporting Situation Awareness,
DEXIS: Workshop on Data Exploration for Interactive Surfaces at ITS '15, November 2015, Madeira, Portugal
- T.-C. Shen, R. Soto, N. Ovando, S. Fuica, A. Robles, A. Schemrl, G. Vélez, J. F. Ibsen, G. Filippi, E. Pietriga, Exploring Remote Operation for ALMA Observatory,
Astronomical Telescopes and Instrumentation, SPIE, June 2014, Montréal, Canada
B. Bach, E. Pietriga, J.-D. Fekete, Visualizing Dense Dynamic Networks with Matrix Cubes,
VisWeek (SciVis/InfoVis/VAST) Poster Program, October 2013, Atlanta, USA -
Best poster award
- B. Bach, E. Pietriga, J.-D. Fekete, Animated Transitions and Navigation in Dynamic Networks,
VisWeek (SciVis/InfoVis/VAST) Poster Program, October 2012, Seattle, USA
- M. Schilling, R. Primet, E. Pietriga, J. Schwarz, Human Computer Interaction in the ALMA Control Room,
Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems (ADASS), November 2011, Paris, France
- J. Schwarz, E. Pietriga, M. Schilling, P. Grosbol, Goodbye to WIMPs: A Scalable Interface for ALMA Operations,
Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems (ADASS 2010), November 2010, Boston, USA
- B. Bach, G. Legostaev, E. Pietriga, Visualizing Populated Ontologies with OntoTrix,
Proceedings of the ISWC 2010 Posters & Demonstrations Track: Collected Abstracts, pages 85-88, November 2010, Shanghai, China
- C. Bizer, R. Lee, E. Pietriga, Fresnel: A Browser-Independent Presentation Vocabulary for RDF,
Second International Workshop on Interaction Design and the Semantic Web, November 2005, Galway, Ireland
Specialized Journals and Magazines (dissemination of scientific knowledge)
- G. Ribat, J.-P. Cointet, E. Pietriga, Les stratégies de recherche agronomique révélées par l’analyse des publications,
La Recherche, December 2016
- E. Pietriga, F. del Campo, A. Ibsen, R. Primet, C. Appert, O. Chapuis, M. Hempel, R. Muñoz, S. Eyheramendy Duerr, A. Jordan, H. Dole, Ultra-high-resolution walls for visualizing very large datasets,
SPIE Newsroom, May 2016
- M.-J. Lobo, E. Pietriga, C. Puech, Visualización de Big Data en Alta Resolución a Disposición de la Comunidad Científica y la Industria Chilena,
Bits de Ciencia, pages 46-51, January 2015
- M. Beaudoin-Lafon, E. Pietriga, W. Mackay, S. Huot, M. Nancel, C. Pillias, R. Primet, 131 millions de pixel qui font le mur,
Plein Sud Spécial Recherche 2010-2011, pages 140-147, 2011
- E. Pietriga, Styling RDF Graphs with GSS,, 3 december 2003
Other Publications
- Raphaëlle Lapôtre, Marie Destandau, Emmanuel Pietriga, Proposing rich views of linked open data sets : the S-paths prototype and the visualization of FRBRized data in, Semantic Web in Libraries (SWIB '19), November 2019, Hamburg, Germany
- E. Pietriga, Languages and Interaction Techniques for the Visualization and Manipulation of Massive Datasets,
Université Paris-Sud (HDR dissertation), June 2012, Paris, France
- M. Nancel, E. Pietriga, M. Beaudouin-Lafon Precision Pointing for Ultra-High-Resolution Wall Displays,
INRIA Research Report RR-7624, May 2011
- E. Pietriga, Fresnel Selector Language for RDF (FSL),
Semantic Web Interest Group, 18 November 2005
- C. Bizer, R. Lee, E. Pietriga, Fresnel - Display Vocabulary for RDF - User Manual,
Semantic Web Interest Group, 30 June 2005
- E. Pietriga, Environnements et langages de programmation visuels pour le traitement de documents structurés,
Institut National Polytechnique de Grenoble (Ph.D. thesis), November 2002, Grenoble, France
Keynotes and invited talks, excluding talks given at conferences to present papers.