Emmanuel Pietriga, Ph.D., HDR
+33-1-69-15-34-66 (office) / +33 6 86 26 77 01 (cell)
date of birth:
November 30th, 1976
3 children
Names of institutes and universities, titles of conferences and papers feature links to associated Web sites.

Current Position

Since Jan. 2022: DR1
Oct. 2015 — Dec. 2021: DR2
Jan. 2007 — Sep. 2015: CR1
Oct. 2004 — Dec. 2006: CR2

Senior Research Scientist - DR1

INRIA (Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en Automatique)

Details of current activities and previous positions at Inria

Since August 2014

Since September 2023

September 2018 — December 2022

July 2012 — July 2014

August 2010 — July 2012

October 2004 — July 2010

Work Experience

September 2003 - September 2004

Software Engineer, Nuxeo

Development of Web-based enterprise content management applications (Python, Zope, CPS)
Paris, France
December 2002 - August 2003

Postdoctorate Fellow, MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) / W3C (World Wide Web Consortium)

Visual transformation of Semantic Web data represented as node-link diagrams
Member of the Semantic Web Advanced Development team, World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) and of the Decentralized Information Group at MIT CSAIL.
Boston, MA, USA
March 1999 - September 2002

Research Engineer, Xerox Research Centre Europe

Development of a zoombale user interface toolkit and a visual language environment for XML document transformations
CIFRE Ph.D. contract funded by ANRT
Grenoble, France



HDR (Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches) in Computer Science, Université Paris-Sud

Languages and Interaction Techniques for the Visualization and Manipulation of Massive Datasets
INRIA Saclay - Île-de-France / Laboratoire de Recherche en Informatique
Jury Members:

Ph.D. in Computer Science, INPG (Institut National Polytechnique de Grenoble)

Visual programming languages and environments applied to structured document processing
Xerox Research Centre Europe / INRIA Rhône-Alpes (research team Opéra)
Grenoble, France
Advisors: Vincent Quint and Jean-Yves Vion-Dury
Jury Members:

Engineering Degree in Computer Science and Control, ESIA (Ecole Supérieure d'Ingénieurs d'Annecy)

Computer Science, control (automation, electronics), mechanics
Section A2I: Automatique et Informatique Industrielle
Annecy, France

Short-Term Visits (funded by hosting organization)

December 2010,
June 2011,
November 2011

ALMA (Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimiter Array), ESO (European Southern Observatory)

Chajnantor plateau, Chilean Andes, Chile
March 2011

Expanded Very Large Array, NRAO (National Radio Astronomy Observatory)

Socorro, NM, USA
February 2011

JAIST (Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology)

Nomi, Ishikawa, Japan
November 2010

SKA (Square Kilometer Array) South Africa

Cape Town, South Africa
December 2009

ALMA (Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimiter Array) and VLT (Very Large Telescope), ESO (European Southern Observatory)

Chajnantor plateau (ALMA) and Mount Paranal (VLT), Chilean Andes, Chile
March 2006

Universitat Politècnica de València

Valencia, Spain
September 2001 - January 2002

MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) / W3C (World Wide Web Consortium)

Boston, MA, USA


Click on one of the icons to get the document (multiple icons indicate multiple sources)
ACM Digital Library (ACM Digital Library)   IEEE Xplore (IEEE Xplore)   IEEE CSDL (IEEE Computer Society Digital Library)   Springer Link (Springer Link)   HAL (HAL-INRIA Open Archive)   arXiv (arXiv)

Refereed Papers in International Journals and Magazines

Refereed Papers in International Conference Proceedings

Note: in the field of Human Computer Interaction, conferences are considered the primary method of publication. The ACM CHI and UIST conferences are particularly selective and are considered journal level work by the ACM/SIGCHI.

Proceedings Editing

Refereed Papers in National Journals

Refereed Posters, Demos, Workshop Papers (archived in proceedings)

Specialized Journals and Magazines (dissemination of scientific knowledge)

Other Publications

Prizes and Awards


Keynotes and invited talks, excluding talks given at conferences to present papers.

Evaluation of Research


in progress...

Evaluation committees and invited expertise

Habilitation (HDR) Jury Membership

PhD Jury Membership

Selection Committees

Conference Organization

Funded Projects

Teaching / Consulting

Supervision of Research and Software Development Activities

Group Manager


Ph. D. students


M. Sc./Eng. students (internships)

Student Project Supervision

Collective Responsibilities

Software Writing and Distribution

