The Meshing and Turbulence Workshop is an international conference focusing on the impact of state-of-the-art 3D meshing technologies
on the predictions of different turbulence treatments in the context of complex geometries.
Two families of turbulence approaches are of high interest for industry: RANS solutions and eddy-resolving simulations.
For RANS applications, the goal is to propose meshing technologies enabling true mesh convergence so that the discretization error does not impact the prediction anymore. Dissipation in the flow will overwhelmingly be due to the turbulence model, and will not come from the numerical scheme. Today, mesh adaptation seems to be the best candidate especially if it is goal-oriented.
For eddy-resolving simulations, the purpose of the workshop is to discuss sub-grid-scale and wall models that will be less sensitive to the mesh topology, and thus enable the use of state-of-the-art 3D meshing technologies, which produce more challenging grids. As of 2023, adaptation is very successful in steady RANS at least in a research context, but it is in its infancy for turbulence-resolving studies.
Another goal of the Meshing and Turbulence Workshop is to gather both theoretical and practical specialists in the field of meshing technology, numerical scheme, and turbulence modeling.
It is an unusual international conference in the sense that :
Registration for the workshop is mandatory. Lunch meals and coffee breaks are complimentary. Travel expenses, lodging, and dinners are the responsibility of each participant.
For RANS applications, the goal is to propose meshing technologies enabling true mesh convergence so that the discretization error does not impact the prediction anymore. Dissipation in the flow will overwhelmingly be due to the turbulence model, and will not come from the numerical scheme. Today, mesh adaptation seems to be the best candidate especially if it is goal-oriented.
For eddy-resolving simulations, the purpose of the workshop is to discuss sub-grid-scale and wall models that will be less sensitive to the mesh topology, and thus enable the use of state-of-the-art 3D meshing technologies, which produce more challenging grids. As of 2023, adaptation is very successful in steady RANS at least in a research context, but it is in its infancy for turbulence-resolving studies.
Another goal of the Meshing and Turbulence Workshop is to gather both theoretical and practical specialists in the field of meshing technology, numerical scheme, and turbulence modeling.
It is an unusual international conference in the sense that :
- presentations are by invitation only
- participation is in-person only
- there is no parallel session
- the number of participants is limited (60 for this edition)
- there is no registration fee thanks to the generous sponsors
Registration for the workshop is mandatory. Lunch meals and coffee breaks are complimentary. Travel expenses, lodging, and dinners are the responsibility of each participant.
Workshop Program
The workshop program is composed of 5 keynote presentations (45 minutes or 1 hour) over a day.
Abstracts and presentation slides will be provided.
Keynote Speakers
- Philippe Spalart (Boeing (Retired), Seattle, USA)
- Michel Visonneau and Emmanuel Guilmineau (Ecole Centrale Nantes, Nantes, France)
- Hugues Deniau and Sébastien Deck (ONERA, Toulouse, France)
- Christophe Bailly (Ecole Centrale Lyon, Lyon, France)
- Vincent Moureau (CORIA, Saint Etienne du Rouvray, France)
Inria Saclay Ile-de-France
The workshop will be held at Inria Saclay - Bâtiment Alan Turing 1 rue Honoré d'Estienne d'Orves Campus de l'École Polytechnique 91120 Palaiseau France- in the Amphithéâtre Sophie Germain.
More detailed directions to Inria Saclay Ile-de-France can be found on Inria website.
More detailed directions to Inria Saclay Ile-de-France can be found on Inria website.