Tetrahedron Workshop 2

Second Workshop on Grid Generation for Numerical Computations

October 17-19, 2007

at INRIA Rocquencourt, Le Chesnay, France

The first Tetrahedron Workshop, held in Berlin two years ago, organised and hosted by the Weierstrass Institute, focussed on Delaunay based method for mesh generation.
This second issue, expected at INRIA Rocquencourt, aims to follow this idea and to extend the purpose to other meshing methods. Beside volume mesh construction technics, we would like to consider surface mesh generation methods as part of a three-dimensional domain mesh construction. And we also would like to focus on adaptive meshing methods and anisotropic unstructured mesh generation.
The overall idea of this workshop is to consider any of the above aspects in the context of concrete (industrial) applications.

Invited Speakers
Schedule and Abstracts
The presentations' slides are available via the abstracts.
There will be a poster exhibition room throughout the workshop.
For practical reasons, participants who like to contribute a poster are invited to inform the organizers.
The workshop will be held at INRIA Rocquencourt Research Unit campus in Building 1.
Detailed information on travel to Rocquencourt may be obtained by clicking here.

Registration and fee
There is no registration fee for the Tetrahedron workshop.
INRIA supports all lunches and the shuttle Paris-INRIA. Travel expenses, logging and diners are at participant own charge.

We provide a list of hotels in Paris and in Versailles.

A special shuttle from Paris each morning and to Paris each afternoon will be made available for all participants of the workshop.
The shuttle will do the same travel with the same stop as INRIA Paris shuttle. We will provide the time schedule later.

Participants may also use daily INRIA Shuttle:
Useful Link