About Me

I am a second year PhD student at École Polytechnique de Paris and Inria Saclay in Palaiseau under the joint supervisions of Ioana MANOLESCU and Emmanuel PIETRIGA.

I am a member of the Cedar Team a joint project-team of Inria and the LIX (Computer Science lab of École Polytechnique) focused on rich data analytics at cloud scale.

I am also a member of the ILDA Team focused on Visualization and HCI, part of LISN laboratory of Université Paris-Saclay.

My thesis subject is Interactive Exploration and Manipulation of Large Knowledge Graphs.

PhD objectives and Summary

The goal of my PhD is to develop an user friendly software to explore and vizualise data graphs from heterogeneous data.

The main idea is that the user will enter the graph from a search engine, selecting an object (usually a node) from the graph among the results. Then, the user will explore the graph by clicking on neighbours of this object. In data graphs, a node can have hundreds of neighbours. However it is not possible nor usefull to show every neighbour to the user, thus one of the main challenges is to select the top k most relevant neighbours to suggest to the user.

My work is based upon ConnectionLens, a software which aims at building a single graph from different data sources (structured, semi-structured or unstructured) and Abstra, a data abstraction tool that computes compact and expressive descriptions out of a large variety of data models (RDF, XML, JSON, relational database,...).

One important challenge is to identify the different roles of each node in a graph (value, attribute, part of a relation, entity root, collection of entities) using the abstractions computed by Abstra.



Work Experience


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