Sonic boom prediction
Supersonic flow simulation for the C608 geometry from the 3rd AIAA Sonic Boom Prediction Workshop.

High-lift prediction
Subsonic flow simulation for the High-Lift Common Research Model (HL-CRM) geometry from the 3rd AIAA High-Lift Prediction Workshop.

Turbomachinery application
Transonic flow simulation for the NASA Rotor 37 transonic compressor.

Security and defense application
Blast wave propagation in a city and on the London Tower Bridge
Moving mesh application
Two moving mesh examples coupled with mesh adaptation using the F117 fighter geometry:
- A F117 fighter nosing up then nosing down which is generating vortical flow
- Two F117 fighters crossing each other
A video presenting some CFD results
- A 8 minutes movie presenting some results obtained in CFD during my research using the mesh adaptation
and moving mesh technologies.